[218] Waikiki Hawaii opens new New Ritz Carlton hotel


Waikiki Hawaii opens new New Ritz Carlton hotel A luxury condominium building has been opened in the Waikiki area of Honolulu by The Ritz Carlton hotel group, with million-dollar apartments available for sale. Waikiki Beach is one of the most sought-after properties in the Pacific Rim. The new super property development is near the luxury Trump Towers, and other high-rise residences on the Honolulu coastline. Oahu is the most populated island of the Hawaii island chain, with just over one million of Hawaii’s 1,600,000 residents.

sought-after: 騒がれる
high-rise residence: 高層建築


New iPhone 7 has been released. The newest Apple iPhone model has enhanced photography capabilities, but lacks a standard headphone jack. The set is equipped with wireless AirPod earphones. The device will go on sale in mid-September 2016.

headphone jack: (ヘッドホン) ジャック


it’s easier said than done

Molly: If we save just a hundred dollars every month, we’ll be able to go on an overseas trip next year.

Zachary: That makes sense, but it’s easier said than done. We need to lower some of our monthly expenses, such as telecommunication fees and gasoline purchases. We have to drive less and spend less time on the phone and internet.

Explanation: When we say that something is “easier said than done” we mean that it is very easy to talk about something. But it is much harder to actually do something.

easier said than done: 言うは易く行うは難し
telecommunication fees: 情報通信費



Mrs. Patterson: My husband and I have been trying to conceive a child for more than two years, but we’ve been unsuccessful. Can you recommend us to a fertility clinic?

Dr. Ortiz: Yes, I can recommend you to a top-ranked fertility clinic, but first we should check to see if the lack of conception is from real infertility, or just from bad timing of ovulation. I can schedule an appointment with one of our counselors. They will explain ways to better track your ovulation cycle. This will increase your chances of conception.

Explanation: The phrase “infertility” means any medical problem that prevents a couple from having a child. The main word is fertility. A place that specializes in such medical issues is called a fertility clinic.

infertility: 不妊症
fertility: 妊孕性
ovulation: 排卵
conception: 妊娠



Hello Mr. Gibson:

Our business is growing, but we are still badly understaffed. I need you to hire at least five new marketing and sales managers by the end of the month. We have to work hard to keep up with the increasing demand.

Explanation: When a company is “understaffed” we mean that it doesn’t have enough people to do the work. We use it as an adjective, as in “The company is badly understaffed.” The opposite is “overstaffed.”

understaffed (adjective): 手不足