[214] Surviving hibakushya


Surviving hibakushya now number just over 174,000 people, 71 years after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Their average age is over 80 years old. At the annual memorial service for the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6th, a message was read from United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, stating: “Today, the World needs the hibakushya spirit more than ever.” Current Hiroshima mayor Kazumi Matsui urged world leaders to follow in the recent footsteps of U.S. president Obama and visit the site of the atomic bombing.

hibakushya /hibakusha (noun): Japanese term, also used in English, for survivors of the atomic bombings. 被爆者


Computer Vision Syndrome is being studied and recognized as a serious health problem among office workers and students. Sitting in front of a computer screen without exercising the body and without blinking very often can lead to eye strain, neck pain, and back pain. Health experts recommend following the 20-20-20 rule: resting and looking 20 feet away (6 meters) from the computer every 20 minutes, for 20 seconds.

blink / blinking (verb): 瞬く


I’ve made up my mind

Edward: Are you going to Malaysia or to Indonesia for summer vacation? You said last week that you didn’t know which place to choose.

Christopher: Yes, but yesterday I made up my mind. I booked a flight reservation for Malaysia. I’m leaving next Monday and I’ll be back at work 8 days later.

Explanation: The term “make up (my) mind” means that a person has made a final decision. We can also say the opposite: “I haven’t made up my mind yet.” or “He hasn’t made up his mind yet.”


hard evidence

Mrs. Mitchell: If I floss my teeth regularly, can I avoid getting cavities?

Dr. Huang: It might help to floss regularly, but actually there is not very much hard evidence to prove that flossing increases dental health.

Explanation: The term “hard evidence” means actual scientific evidence, not just rumors or discussion.

floss (verb/noun): 糸楊枝
hard evidence: 確かな証拠 ・確かな事実
dental health: 口腔衛生


work has piled up

Hello Mr. Bailey:

I’m sorry to be so late in replying to your request. I was away from the office on a business trip, and work has piled up on my desk. I’ll try to provide you with the information you requested by the end of the business day.

Explanation: The term “work has piled up” means that every day there is more and more unfinished work that needs to be done. It is a common phrase to use after someone has returned from a vacation. We can say “I need to catch up with the work piled up in my office.”

pile up / piled up: 重なる・閊える
business day (today): 営業日